Role of Fire in Huichol Healing
In the Wirárika tradition, Fire is seen as the First Shaman and as heart, as the One who connects us to the world.
With the help of Fire, the mara’akame can connect more deeply with clients and determine what they need. Fire also helps the mara’akame to connect to the wisdom of the tradition and the sacred sites who offer their particular gifts of healing.

Fire Brings Help To Humanity At A Time Of Chaos And Uncertainty:
The Spirit of Fire, sometimes called Grandfather Fire in some native traditions, makes himself available to talk to people directly around the fire for a short time. Throughout history, people have gathered to hear His knowledge and ask Him questions about how to deal with their problems and live a good life.
Through a Mara’akame or Wixárika healer, Fire supports our healing process.
Grandfather Fire teaches us to live a life of Heart, this has helped thousands of people around the world get clear on their problems, find the strength to face them and find the joy of living a life with real connection, meaning, and purpose.
Lawrence is a mara’akame, a Firekeeper and the spokes man for Sacred Fire. The Sacred Fire Community is a global network of initiated Firekeepers, teachers and guides who help people experience the transformation benefits of Fire’s healing presence in the world.
The link above will direct you to Sacred Fire’s website, where you can find an article discussing the vital healing and transformative benefits that Fire provides during these times of great need and chaos.