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Who is a Good Candidate for Huichol Healing

  • Those open to alternative forms of healing. Believing in the medicine is NOT necessary but one who has grave reservations about spiritual healing will likely only confirm their doubt.
  • Someone who is willing to take responsibility for their own healing. A mara’akame or other healer can certainly help. Even so, the most successful clients are those who are active participants in the healing process.
  • Those who are eager to see the ‘deeper cause’ behind whatever ails them.
  • A person who has a degree of patience and is willing to accept the form of healing they need–versus the one they may want. (As that sage Mick Jagger once said, “You can’t always get what you wanna. But if you try sometimes, you just might find, you get what you need!”)
  • Those who find that allopathic medicine is of little or no help or even great
    help–but still feel that something else is missing from the approach.
  • You feel as though your life is falling apart. This can be life’s way of showing you
    that it is time to take a completely different approach.

Who Is NOT A Good Candidate for Huichol Healing?

  • Someone looking for a “quick fix” to your symptoms.
  • You’re just curious.
  • You’re looking for something exotic.
  • You are being urged to seek this help by someone else and you are not really
    invested in it yourself (or have any openness that may help you).
  • You want someone or something to “cure” you without any effort on your part.
  • You are not willing to make lifestyle changes.

RECOMMENDATION Could you explain a bit about the Healing Process and how we either help it move forward, or sabotage it? So that people can really understand that they should not believe this is magic, or feel pressured to attend but would rather not do it. Touching on the value of tradition, balance, heart and mind, and connection to nature and our ancestors again so that people can repeatedly receive the important messages that will help them build the correct meaning of what this medicine is and the work behind it from both the healer and the patient? if people understand they need to engage and examine themselves, their attitudes towards life, and the way they live life they might want to try it more than believing that the Spirit of Fire will magically fix their lives and problems.

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