
Harvard Agrees: Fire is The Best Medicine!

Okay, it is a bit of an exaggeration. But not much!

The Harvard Study of Health and Development was started in 1938, and it has been interviewing participants about their lifestyles and collecting data on their health. It is the longest-running study on well-being in the world.

After tracking hundreds of people over many years, the study has shown that there is one factor that clearly correlates with both better physical health as well as happiness.

It’s not wealth or education. Or even whether one smokes, is overweight, exercises regularly, or is free from some ‘genetic predisposition’ of disease. All the recommendations from your doctor may be helpful, but they will not impact your health and happiness as much as this one thing.

It turns out that the “secret ingredient” for health, longevity, and a sense of well-being is something that everyone–wherever you live, your race, ethnicity or gender–can access no matter how challenging your circumstances may be.

That secret ingredient is really not so secret as it has been implicitly a part of many older cultures since the very beginning. Only today, it seems increasingly elusive.

Do you want to be healthier, happier, and live longer? Then the prescription is more social connection. People who have more meaningful relationships live better lives. It’s as simple as that!

At Sacred Fire, we gather people around the fire so they can connect and share what is important in their lives. This is a practice that has happened since the very dawn of humanity hundreds of thousands of years ago

It turns out that the oldest medicine is also the best medicine–even today. We need connection. Join us. Come sit with us and share your story. You’ll feel better. Make it a regular practice, and you’ll live better. Even Harvard agrees!

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